
Matthew 4:19

TEXT: Matthew 4:19
INTRO: I’ve fished in a lot of places, from rivers to the gulf stream 90 miles off the coast. I’ve caught red snapper, amberjack, brim, catfish, flounder, and even some odd-looking creature that I think was a fish. In all that fishing, I’ve learned that catching is way more fun than drowning worms. I believe the same is true of our Christian walk. As we enter April and approach Easter, the most prolific holiday of the Christian faith, I believe God would draw our attention to the invitation Jesus gave to His disciples to become something more than fishermen. Jesus made these first disciples an offer they could not refuse. He offers them a life of purpose and significance. He offers them a thrilling adventure of perpetually angling for the souls of men. It came with one catch; they must accept the invitation to follow Him. But what does that mean? How did the disciples respond to “follow me?” More importantly, if Jesus is making us the same offer today, how do we follow Him?