
Ephesians 6:4

TEXT: Ephesians 6:4
INTRO: We need to raise up a generation ready and capable of possessing the promised land God has for them. To effectively do this, we must first be intentional about being different. God has called us to be Holy as He is Holy. As such, we had better live that way. Second, we need to internalize the truths of God’s Word. As the blood flows from the chambers of the heart, so should the teaching of the Law flow throughout our lives delivering nutrients and life to every part of us. Lastly, we do these first two things for the expressed purpose to be able to instruct our children in the ways and principles of the faith. Recognize that the words Moses spoke in Deuteronomy 32:45-47 were not idle rules and regulations. They were the ticket, the deed if you will, to the Promised Land. By those words, the nation could live long in the land. Likewise, by the teachings of scripture, we will be able to stand in this world in which we must occupy.
But how? The million-dollar question is, “How do I raise up a generation?”