
PSALM 139:23-24

TEXT: PSALM 139:23-24
INTRO: Revival will fall or spring-up! Not for just a few nights. But for months, and even years. And when God surprises us with His wonderful, powerful presence, we will never be the same.
Worship, preaching, and prayer will take on a new and different meaning. You and others will be humbled and broken, and lives will be changed. There will be, must be, true repentance. I believe God will not move in the lives of His people until they first lay their lives at His feet, asking Him to search their hearts as they repent of their selfish ways.

When the Holy Spirit of God starts exposing sin you will not believe the intensity of the services. Tears will flow as you rid your heart of anything that would grieve the Holy Spirit. It is sheer hypocrisy for any of us to want an anointing from God while holding on to harassing sins. Those who are willing to examine their hearts and become teachable receive a fresh touch from God.

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(Psalm 139) All of us—are like ships floating into the Lord’s waters. He is pulling up alongside and saying, “I would like to come aboard.” If we want Jesus to truly work in our lives, we must yield to Him, giving Him complete lordship. We don’t really want God to touch the secret areas. It’s too uncomfortable, too painful. But we must remember there are no secrets with God. (Jn.5:6) (1Sam.16:7)

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A Holy Spotlight…I think there are three different types of searches that we allow to happen in our lives. They come up often around revival. “Before you venture into these waters, it is important to first establish a few facts about the One doing the searching, the One who wants to climb aboard ship.” Yes, the One searching is God, and He does not want to harm us. (Heb. 4:12-13) When performing His search, His purposes are to expose sin and cleanse us from all wickedness.