
Matthew 16:13-18

Sermon Notes

Unstoppable: Like A Train

TEXT: Matthew 16:13-18
INTRO: Europe has transitioned to a post-Christian society. Some argue that America is rapidly approaching that same status. Spiritual apostasy and apathy are at a seemingly all-time high in our nation. Church attendance is on the decline, failed marriages, no-marriages, and fatherless households are all on the rise. Our society is fighting a drug epidemic like never seen before. The dealers aren’t just in the streets, but they wear suits and make millions reportable to the IRS. Are you like me? Do you wonder if we’ll make it? Do you wonder if the church will survive? Do you wonder if the struggle is ever going to pay off? Do you wonder if the battle is winnable or are we just fighting to keep our heads above water, and that’s the best we can expect? I do sometimes, but scripture has a word for us today that will give us something to hope in. The church will not go quietly into the night. We have God’s word on it. Christ’s true church is unstoppable.